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We invite you to join us on our next trip adventure! North Carolina is known for its numerous recreational options, ranging from watching musicals or plays, visiting shopping malls, exploring historical sites and more. 

NOTE: The most important consideration for Randolph Senior Adults Association (RSAA) is the health and safety of our Day Trip participants. RSAA asks that participants stay home if they feel sick or have been in recent contact with someone with COVID symptoms. If a participant is exhibiting symptoms the day of a trip, they will be asked to complete a temperature check and a Rapid COVID test before departure and may be required to wear a mask for the duration of the trip. RSAA reserves the right to refuse travel to anyone who has a temperature, positive COVID test or due to non-compliance.  

Upcoming Trips:

Thursday, March 20th - Dutch Kettle & Shiloh General Store (Hamptonville, NC) Click here to get signed up.

Monday, April 21st - Friday, April 25th - Lancaster Show & the Dutch Country Trip.  Click here for more information.

Thursday, April 17th - Trip to Sandhills Horticultural Gardens & Lunch at The Pik N Pig Restaurant  (Pinehurst & Carthage, NC)  Click here to get signed up.

Thursday, May 8th - Beauty & The Beast at the Temple Theatre (Sanford, NC) 
Click here to get signed up.

Thursday, June 12th - All Day Trip to Battleship NC with Holiday Tours (Wilmington, NC) Click here for more information.

Monday, August 18th - Friday, August 22nd - Nashville, TN Show trip - Click here for more information.

Sunday, October 5th - Saturday, October 11th - Iceland's Magical Northern Lights Trip.  Click here for more information and to get signed up.

Space is limited! Register today!
Randolph Senior Adults Association
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult Resource & Education Center (REC) 
Serving ages 50 years & older

347 West Salisbury Street    PO Box 1852   Asheboro, NC 27203     336-625-3389
Travel with us!
Would you like to suggest a travel destination? 
Need additional information on travel?
Submit this form or contact Susanne Allen at 336-625-3389 ext 212.
All information provided in this website is believed to be accurate and reliable. RSAA assumes no responsibility for the use of this information.

Copyright 2022, RSAA, INC.

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult REC
347 W. Salisbury St.
Asheboro, NC 27203
336-626-3590 fax
7:00am - 8:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm

Senior Centers
8:00am - 4:30pm

Our Place Adult Day Care
8:00am - 4:30pm

Salt Box on Salisbury:
10:00am - 2:00pm