Randolph Senior Adults Association is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3)organization, serving Randolph County since 1975. It is an organization of individuals who are interested in improving the quality of life for Randolph County residents who are 50 years of age and older and in serving as advocates in their behalf.
We operate four senior centers located in Asheboro, Archdale, Liberty, and Randleman. These centers provide over 26,000 congregate meals for nearly 250 seniors in Randolph County and serve close to 70,000 delivered meals to over 400 home-bound seniors. Our four centers combined average 5,000 activities each year. This includes parties, line dancing, bingo, quilting, senior games, crafts, and exercise classes.
RCATS (Regional Coordinated Area Transportation System)serves both Randolph and Montgomery Counties. In Randolph County, RCATS provides transportation for thousands of trips for seniors and the general public. Nearly 900 disabled and senior riders contribute to an average of 58,800 additional trips in the county. Montgomery County's RCATS serves over 400 clients with nearly 11,000 trips.
RSAA is governed by a
13 member volunteer Board of Directors. In addition, each center and major program has a volunteer Advisory Committee to oversee its operations.
Greg Patton, President
Nancy Henderson, Vice President
Gene Woodle, Treasurer
Katie Snuggs, Secretary
Jane Cranford
Pat Hurley
Pete Jolly
Bill McCaskill
Vivian Phetmixay
Susan King
Becky Parker
Vicky Rich
Joe Weaver
Ex-officio Members
Sandra Allen
Betty Hunt

Sam Baker
Jane Liebscher
The Information & Options Counseling department provides information about services, programs or assistance available to seniors age 60 and over. Last year, over 3,500 clients received assistance through the counselors. Programs administered through the department include SHIIP, caregiver support, heat relief, and various needs.
RSAA also operates Our Place Adult Day Care in Asheboro which provides daily activities and meals for participants age 18 and over who still live at home with family but need a safe and engaging option for care during the day.
All information provided in this website is believed to be accurate and reliable. RSAA assumes no responsibility
for the use of this information.
Copyright 2025, RSAA, INC.
You can also find a multitude of activities ranging from craft classes to exercise at our Adult Resource and Education Center. Find something to entertain you with weekly Gospel Music performed every Friday evening; a fitness room is available for a small fee to those wishing to stay in shape and healthy; shopping in the Salt Box on Salisbury where local crafters sell their handmade items.
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult REC
Opened in 2015, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult Resource & Education Center houses the administrative offices of RSAA and RCATS, as well as the Asheboro Senior Center, the Salt Box on Salisbury, Event Hall and several classrooms.
Randolph Senior Adults Association
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult Resource & Education Center (REC)
Serving ages 50 years & older
347 West Salisbury Street PO Box 1852 Asheboro, NC 27203 336-625-3389
Randolph Senior Adults Association
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult REC
347 W. Salisbury St.
Asheboro, NC 27203
336-626-3590 fax
7:00am - 8:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm
Senior Centers:
8:00am - 5:00pm
Our Place Adult Day Care:
8:00am - 4:30pm
Salt Box on Salisbury:
10:00am - 2:00pm