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Randolph Senior Adults Association
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult Resource & Education Center (REC) 
Serving ages 50 years & older

347 West Salisbury Street    PO Box 1852   Asheboro, NC 27203     336-625-3389
We love our Volunteers!

Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our service to seniors and their families. There are many ways you can get involved, make a difference and have a positive impact in Randolph County! 

Volunteers deliver meals, call Bingo, teach classes, lead programs, provide computer tutoring services and much more! 

What's your WHY? To learn how you can make a difference, please contact our Community Engagement Coordinator Susanne Allen at 336-625-3389  ext. 212, use the 'Contact Us' link below, or e-mail outreach@senioradults.org.
Descriptions of Volunteer Areas

Home Delivered Meals Volunteer

We are always in need of regular and substitute volunteer drivers for Meals on Wheels routes located throughout Randolph County. Meals on Wheels are delivered Monday through Friday. It generally takes a hour to deliver a route. Choose which day you would like to deliver! We strive to have all routes completed by around noon each day. If this is something you may be interested in, please contact Susanne Allen at 336-625-3389 or 
e-mail outreach@senioradults.org

Bingo Volunteer 

Our seniors love Bingo and we can always use volunteer callers. Times vary at each of our senior center locations. Sign up to help once in a while or pick a day to help out each week.

SaltBox on Salisbury Volunteer

The SaltBox on Salisbury is home to a vast array of home-crafted goods and favorite finds, created by local seniors. Do you enjoy interacting with people? Do you have an appreciation for unique and one-of-a-kind hand-crafted items? If so, you should consider volunteering in the SaltBox. You can work every week or every two weeks--you choose! We need coverage for four hours a day, generally from 10am to 2pm. If you are interested in volunteering in the SaltBox, please call our SaltBox Manager Ginger Flynt at      336-625-3389 ext. 211 or e-mail education@senioradults.org.

Additional volunteer opportunities:

  • Assist with mailings
  • Teach Craft classes
  • Assist with special events
  • Provide entertainment (sing, play an instrument, dance, etc.) at any of senior centers

Contact us to learn more!

​​**Please be sure to include your phone number in the "Message" section of the form so we are able to call you promptly. Thank you!**

Contact Us
All information provided in this website is believed to be accurate and reliable. RSAA assumes no responsibility for the use of this information.

Copyright 2025, RSAA, INC.

If you are interested in becoming a SHIIP volunteer please call one of our 
SHIIP Coordinators at 336-625-3389, Margie DiDona ext. 235 or 
e-mail rcsaa2@senioradults.org or Lisa Alley ext. 237 or email rcsaa@senioradults.org
We also have volunteer opportunities available within specific departments:

SHIIP Volunteer

Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) volunteers help fellow senior citizens and individuals with disabilities in their community with questions regarding Medicare, Medicare supplements, Medicare claims processing, Medicare Advantage, Medicare prescription drug plans and long-term care insurance.

A SHIIP volunteer should:

  • Not be, or have an immediate family member who is an active insurance salesperson.
  • Complete a 13 hour on-line training certification course.
  • Provide one-to-one counseling by appointment at counseling site or by telephone.
  • Enter all counseling and outreach efforts into the federal STARS website.
  • Keep all client information (medical and financial) confidential.
  • Never recommend a specific insurance company or policy.
  • Attend quarterly follow-up meetings.

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Adult REC
347 W. Salisbury St.
Asheboro, NC 27203
336-626-3590 fax
7:00am - 8:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm

Senior Centers
8:00am - 4:30pm

Our Place Adult Day Care
8:00am - 4:30pm

Salt Box on Salisbury:
10:00am - 2:00pm